I have two left feet. Really. My balance has always sucked, even before 4 foot surgeries. A couple of weeks ago, I joined an afternoon yoga class at work in an effort to bring a little flexibility and balance back in to my routine. Part of my rehabilitative exercise routine revolves around my ability to stay balanced. I loved yoga before the foot surgery, and jumped on the opportunity to bring it back in to my life.
Last week, my instructor coaxed me in to a Dancer's pose. I struggled with the pose, trying desperately to stay upright on one foot, especially my recently reconstructed left foot. The instructor walked over to me to help me out. She showed me and explained to me the importance of the pelvis, and how my feet are not what was holding me up. What she said really resonated with me. She said "your foot is not going anywhere....just try to move it". I could not. She demonstrated the power of the pelvis to me and had me tilt my pelvic forward, and sink in to the pose with my hips. What a pivotal moment! My body suddenly "got it", and I had a full minute of yoga enjoyment and exploration in this pose.
My trainer loved it too. He's been teaching me for years the value of strength in the core. He's happy I "got it" too.

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