"One lives but once in the world" - Von Goethe
February brings my birthday, always a place in the year to pause and reflect on the years that slipped by, and the years ahead, and where my plans fit in. This year was my 57th celebration. Hard to really get my head wrapped around. This morning, I listened to a little story about Patti Smith, who turned 65 this year. She said something that really resonated with me. She recently returned to the music stage, and said that even though she was 65, people around her kept wanting to make her into 35 again. But, she has steadfastly refused, saying she simply loved being who she is. I feel the same way. I love being 57. I love everything about it. I don't want to be anything but myself, and myself is 57. I love this month's calendar saying "one lives but once in the world". This is, and has been for quite a while, my mantra. Maybe that is the reason I adore being my own age. I am in the game fully, and in the moments fully. I don't fret about the woulda, shoulda, coulda, and I don't fret about what's to come. I flesh out today, every day. I spread my wings, and live but once.