It's been a long time since I went to bed anticipating a race. I feel like I've been in physical therapy for years. Which, pretty much I have between the elbow and then the foot surgery. I've been religiously following my trainers program, and picked a local charity 5K as my debut race, to see how it's all been coming along. To get out there, stretch it out, kick it hard, suck the wind, hang out with fit people, and feel the burn. Today was my day. I was a bit concerned though, as I have been sick with bronchitis for the past 2 weeks, and have only ran one time a couple of days ago. Last night, I was hoping for the pre-race jitters to bring a little adrenalin to my step, but they never arrived. This morning, I still hoped for some light nerves to get me moving. Again,they did not arrive. I figured I was just so seasoned that racing wasn't going to get my juices up. It was only 32 degrees at the start line, so maybe the adrenalin was just frozen in my veins! I did my warm up and felt like lead. So, I toed the line feeling like I would have a nice, solid, training run. My running partner asked me what my goal was. Gosh, I didn't even have one. I told her I would be happy with 36:00, and happier if I managed a 34:00. The gun went off, and out I went. Ramesh soon was on my shoulder, and I felt like I was going along quite nicely. A little fast, but hey, it's a race, isn't it? I heard the lady call out 10:20 at mile 1. Uh oh. Out too fast. I was sure I would crash and burn at the turn. But! I didn't. All that training is paying off. I held the pace, felt fantastic, and started a kick at mile 2. As I rounded the corner for the last 1/4 mile, I pressed hard towards the finish line. The clock turned 31:39 as I ran under the banner. Woot! I was ecstatic. I had no idea how I placed until my running partner came up and asked me. My finish slip said 94th out of 600. She asked the race director. I was floored when he said "you won your age group". What? I won? OMG! I WON! I stuck around for the awards, and happily snapped up my gift certificate. I can't even begin to express how pivotal this win was for me. I am so encouraged now. Both feet felt perfectly fine, and this is just what the doctor ordered for the emotional side of me. Just think...6 months ago both feet were sliced open, one had the big toe carved up. Lots and lots of physical therapy, lots and lots of patient time in the gym learning to stand, walk and then run again. And today, it all came together for me. I'm back, and better than ever!